The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring Scrum is understood and happening, and they do this by ensuring the scrum team adhere to the scrum theory, practices and rules. A great Scrum Master:
1) Involves the team with setting up to process.
That they support the inplumented scrum process for example the daily scrum is planned at a time that suits everyone.
2) Understands team development
A great Scrum Master is aware of the different phases a team will go through when working as a team and understands the different stages of team development (forming, storming, norming, performance and adjouring) and it’s important for a stable team.
3) Understands principles are more important than practices.
WIthout a solid supported understanding of the agile concepts every practice will not create something good, it would be an empty shell.
4) Recognises and acts on team conflict
A great Scrum Master recognises when team conflict is happening, can actively resolve it and knows how to prevent it from happening in the future.
5) Allows leadership to thrive
A great Scrum Master let’s and encourages leadership to thrive within the team and sees this as a success of their coaching and believe in the motto “leadership isn’t just a title, it’s an attitude”. It’s an attitude everyonca can have and apply to the team.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day!