What Makes A Good Scrum Master?

What Makes A Good Scrum Master?

The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring Scrum is understood and happening, and they do this by ensuring the scrum team adhere to the scrum theory, practices and rules. A great Scrum Master:
1) Involves the team with setting up to process.
That they support the inplumented scrum process for example the daily scrum is planned at a time that suits everyone.
2) Understands team development
A great Scrum Master is aware of the different phases a team will go through when working as a team and understands the different stages of team development (forming, storming, norming, performance and adjouring) and it’s important for a stable team.
3) Understands principles are more important than practices.
WIthout a solid supported understanding of the agile concepts every practice will not create something good, it would be an empty shell.
4) Recognises and acts on team conflict
A great Scrum Master recognises when team conflict is happening, can actively resolve it and knows how to prevent it from happening in the future.
5) Allows leadership to thrive
A great Scrum Master let’s and encourages leadership to thrive within the team and sees this as a success of their coaching and believe in the motto “leadership isn’t just a title, it’s an attitude”. It’s an attitude everyonca can have and apply to the team.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day! 
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